The mighty subconscious mind has held mysteries and intrigue for mankind since the beginning of time.
As you probably are aware, our mind is split into sections, for the purpose of this article we will discuss the conscious and the subconscious.
The role of the conscious mind is to filter instructions received daily into the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind receives these messages and acts upon them.
For ease of writing I will refer to the subconscious as SC from herein.
The SC is a powerhouse of information, it also accepts information it receives in a slightly different manner than that of the conscious mind.
The conscious mind rationalizes and ponders, whereas the SC just accepts what it is given. As you can imagine because of this childlike quality of naive acceptance, it is important that the messages given to the SC are filtered and only quality information relayed for action.
That is one of the main powers of the SC, it actions whatever is put into its vaults. If as a child you were given negative messages, constant ridicule, no encouragement, then the SC unfortunately will have become conditioned for your life to follow this route.
It is the repetitive nature of the conditioning as a child that sets in place either a positive or negative life for the individual. The key here is to note that repetition works for the SC mind. If negative affirmations are repeated often enough i.e. "You will never amount to anything in life" then the SC takes this information, believes it and manifests this negative message into your life.
There is a solution to this dilemma and that is because of the role that repetition plays in the reprogramming of the SC mind. If negatives can be repeated, then so can positives.
Once I decided in my own life that I was tired of negative events and the route I was taking and began replacing outmoded ideas with positive affirmations then my life began to change.
The SC likes repetition, whatever you repeat will manifest itself, this takes work and concentration on what you want. What messages do you want to delete that you have been living by?
Most people do not realize how powerful the SC mind is and through understanding this power you can quit smoking, or lose weight, I certainly use this method for maintaining my ideal weight, and have done for several years. The message I relay to my SC mind is that 'I never put weight on', or 'my weight is constant'. It works for me.
Is it really that simple? Well yes it is, however we fail to understand how the SC mind likes to follow simple repetitive instructions and the difficult work involved in remembering to monitor our thinking.
The one problem that can and does occur is when a person tries to alter outmoded ways of thinking without realizing that the new messages need to be delivered via the conscious mind in a certain way.
The conscious mind is more argumentative and makes decisions for you based on knowledge gained throughout your life, this is not always a good thing.
Hypnosis is one of the ways to divert the attention of the conscious mind to enable new messages to be delivered to the SC mind without interference, however there is another tried and trusted method that I use on myself and that is through subliminal messaging.
Subliminal messaging works while you are asleep, the conscious mind sleeps, the SC mind does not, so this is the ideal time to create new thought patterns, the messages are sent directly to the SC mind, repeated during sleep and accepted more readily without the conscious mind arguing with the new affirmations.
Most people are reticent of subliminal messaging, I was until I studied hypnosis and witnessed first hand the effect they have on my own outlook on life and health. My only regret is that I did not discover this method earlier, life would have been far simpler and I would have experienced less pain.
Joan Harrison is a highly qualified therapist/hypnotherapist, her blog provides tools to access the subconscious mind and enables people to change their outdated thinking patterns forever. Create new amazing pathways in your subconscious with subliminal recordings to re-align your thoughts. Act Today!
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