Monday 20 July 2015

The popular adage, many days for the thief,
one day for the owner of the house, came
through when two armed robbery suspects
were arrested by men of the Special Anti-
Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Federal Capital
Territory Police Command in Abuja.
The two suspects who belonged to a gang of
four robbers that specialized in joining genuine
worshippers to attending Sunday services and
then returning to steal the offering for the day
from the same churches, met their waterloo
after robbing the Kingdom Connection Church,
Jabi Daki-Biyu and St. Matthew Catholic Church
in Karmo Abuja.
In a brief chat with Sunday Sun, one of the
arrested suspects, Isaac Nyam, 35, confessed
that he was among the gang that robbed the
church, and explained the modus operandi of
the gang.
His words: “We specialized in robbing
churches in Abuja.
Usually one member of our gang would attend
service in the church before we go to rob the
place. When the service is on, we will watch
what they are doing, especially during the
offering time. We will watch where the ushers
take the offering box after the service and in
the night we go back for the operation.”
Armed with the intelligence gathered, the FCT
Commissioner of Police, Mr. Wilson Inalegwu
said that gang struck on June 15, 2015, at
the Kingdom Connection Ministry around
3.00am, where they overpowered the two se­
curity men. They also tied up some members
of the church living within the premises of the
church; the gang then gained access into the
auditorium and carted away the offering,
musical instruments, laptops, GSM handsets
and also removed the brain box of church’s
Toyota Hummer bus.
Done with their unholy deed, the gang
departed, gladdened that it had executed a
successful heist, but providence turned the
table on them as information was relayed to
the police command, and SARS operatives
were activated to go smoke out the culprits.
Through diligent investigations, the police
located and stormed the hideout of the gang.
Two members of the gang were arrested while
the other two escaped with bullet wounds. The
police recovered an English Berata pistol and
three other pistols from the gang.
Commenting on the robbery experience, a
member of Kingdom Connection Church, Mr.
Philp Oseni said: “We were shocked when they
came; they tied up the two security men on
duty and some of our members living within
the church premises and went straight to
where we keep the offering box.”
The Commissioner of Police assured that the
suspects would be charged to court soon.
Source: Sun News

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