Thursday, 23 May 2013


Expert Author Jinger Jarrett

Do you want to live your dreams? Do you know what those dreams are? Do you know the three areas of your life that will help you achieve your dreams?
There are only three areas of your life where you need to take action if you want to have an incredible life: health, wealth, and relationships. If you set goals in these three areas of your life and then achieve them, you can get rich, achieve life fitness, and have the fantastic relationships you want.
Regardless of which areas of your life you want to set goals and achieve success, the action plan is the same. Below you will find the steps you need to take to set your goals and reach your dreams.
1. Decide what you want out of life.
This is one of the hardest things in life to do. No one ever asked me when I was growing up what I wanted out of life so I didn't know. I didn't have any idea how to decide that either. I believe we each have a mission and purpose in life we are each here to fulfill. In order to do that, you have to know what you want because what you want is tied to your mission and purpose, "the desires of your heart." Write down three things you want to have in the three major areas of life: health, wealth, and relationships. Be as specific as possible.
2. Determine any obstacles you have and decide how to eliminate them.
Having the right mindset is absolutely crucial to your success. If you believe you are not capable of achieving your dreams, or you believe you don't deserve it, then you will find some way to sabotage your efforts. It's important to root out these beliefs. Once you do this, then those beliefs need to be replaced with the right beliefs. Meditation, changing your beliefs, and exercise help you change the way you feel about yourself.
3. Make a plan of action for attaining your goals.
Choose three goals, one for each area of your life: health, wealth, relationships. Maybe you have success in one or two of these areas, but you don't have success in the third one. Consider choosing just one goal. It's important to choose goals throughout your life. Challenge is what helps us keep our enthusiasm for life.
4. Take action.
You don't have to have a perfect or complete plan, just a basic set of steps to help you get started. Once you get started, you can always add additional steps. What's important here is to make sure you ask yourself if the steps you are adding are really necessary for succeeding at your goals.
5. Reevaluate to see if what you are doing is working.
Feedback is also important. If what you are doing isn't working, then it's important to try something else. Imitating those who have already successfully achieved those things you want to achieve can help you succeed faster.

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