Thursday, 23 May 2013


Though some aspects of good leadership such as confidence and problem solving skills may be taught in leadership courses, there are some things that simply must come about naturally to have the desired effect. The benefits of the most important leadership traits are obvious, though the actual traits themselves may not be obviously present.
A good leader is driven and competitive. They pride themselves in offering the best available service or option, and will work hard to out-do their adversaries. They will resolve themselves to be the absolute best they can be and produce the best work possible for their abilities.
An untrusted leader will have no followers, negating the title of "leader" completely. If employees and employers alike feel that they can trust the person in charge of projects, more work will be delegated to them. Conversely, an untrustworthy individual will drive potential clients toward competitors. A good leader should be able to garner trust, and, in operating under that trust, not break it.
Competitive drive and the ability to create a bond of trust mean little, if the person with those traits is unable to complete a project due to unintelligence. Intelligence and ingenuity are important for organization of information and materials required for a project. As well, it helps to garner trust in their coworkers if they feel the person in charge is intelligent enough to handle the task.
The ability to remain focused on future goals and tasks at hand is one of the most important traits on this list. Without a commander with their eyes on the prize, direction could quickly be lost, resulting in chaos and, potentially, utter collapse of the blueprints of the plan. They should be able to create and keep in perspective any goals necessary to the completion of assignments, and they should be able to drive those working under them to keep the same perspective and focus they have.
The ability to clearly state objectives and assignments is important to the delegation of specific tasks within a given project. As well, anyone working under the leader should be able to approach them without hesitation or risk of judgement or repercussion. Without an open line of communication, important information can be lost or neglected. This can lead to project errors, or even complete collapse of the project. As they say, the devil is in the details, and, if left unchecked, can cause the whole plan to go awry.
True leaders are never satisfied with the present situation, and have a vision for a better, brighter future. They are always working towards achieving their vision, and are willing to do anything in order to successfully reach this goal. They often share their vision with their coworkers and those above them, which can add to the ingenuity and development of a company as a whole.
Though many people can be taught important leadership traits, the six described above are the most essential, and, unfortunately, most difficult to come by. They're difficult to teach, but if you're lucky enough to have an employee on staff who exhibits these traits, further training and a position with more power will help to foster them, benefitting your company in the long run.
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